It makes sense that the first comedian to make it to the Senate would reveal so much hilarity. Here are some bits and pieces of irony that have come out of the democracy toilet clog that was the 2008 Minnesota Senate Race.
1. Republicans are actually now complaining about voter fraud!
A republican fretting about voter fraud is a little like a NBA player complaining about layups. Since republicans got the better side of the mother of all election thefts in 2000, they're lucky they still even get to have conventions.
2. Wellstone Wins After All!
You may remember that the reason Norm Coleman won the tightly contested race of 2002 was that the conservative media outlets hijacked the the memorial of his Democratic opponent, Paul Wellstone.
Wellstone had died in a plane crash just two weeks before the election. During the four hour ceremony, one man made a comment about how everyone should rally together and vote in the demcratic replacement "for Paul!"
Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Peggy Noonan, the Wall Street Journal and others took this comment and ran with it to make it look like the democrats were trying to revel in the death of their peer and would desecrate any gathering no matter how sacred just to increase power. The Coleman campaign ran with this fallacy and ended up winning.
This was the reason that Franken ended up running, to vindicate his personal friend, Paul Wellstone. It seems that the Republican attack on the Wellstone memorial just cost them that very senate seat. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!
3. This guy is a senator now.
That is all. Minnesota is definitely in the house (and Senate)!
1 comment:
Hello, my name is Stewart Smally, and I am now a United States Senator
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