It is without doubt that before the bill is sitting on the President's desk it will go through some major tweaks, especially made by Congressional Republicans. Republicans feel that the bill does not concentrate enough on tax cuts, and is spending way too much for a risk that may not be worth the reward. Republican Representative Roscoe Bartlett from Maryland challenged President Obama's stimulus package, saying "Mr. President, I think our obsessive borrowing has fully mortgaged my kids and my grandkids, now we're working on mortgaging my two great-grandkids". He went on to say "I think it's more than a little bit selfish to try to solve our economic problems which we created by burdening future generations yet to be born".
Obama and the majority of Democrats are trying to assure the American people that this stimulus package will be well worth the money, every cent of it. They say that the stimulus package will not only boost our economy, but it will also create 3 million new jobs. The majority of the $819 billion is going to domestic issues such as rebuilding our schools, fixing our roads, bridges, and highways, providing health care for people who can't afford it, alternative energy production, as well as tax cuts.
President Obama, his administration, and the 111th Congress have some major work ahead of them, challenging work. I am hopeful that this chunk of change will help get our economy back on track and put Americans back to work. Let's hope and pray that both of these challenges can be met.
There is no way in hell Obama will NOT get this thing passed, after all the Democrats do have the majority in the house and senate.
Yes they do have the majority, but that doesn't mean the bill will just slip on by. One thing Obama spoke about a lot during his campaign was bipartisanship. Well, if he wants to work on both sides of the aisle he needs to listen to what the Republicans are saying, which I think is what he is trying to do, and is therefore the reason why this bill will go through a lot of change before it is sitting on Obama's desk ready to be signed.
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