Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Rod Blagojevich, defiant to say the least

What has Rod Blagojevich been drinking? Everybody from Democrats to Republicans, citizens to Senators, reporters to President-elect Barack Obama has been asking that Blagojevich resign from his position as Illinois Governor in order for there to be a fair and just way to select a Senator to fill Barack Obama's vacant senate seat. Blagojevich, who was arrested less than a month ago for trying to sell this very senate seat, not only disregarded the calls to resign by all 50 democratic Senators and officials throughout Illinois, but even had the nerve to appoint Roland Burris to the senate seat.

I am not doubting that Burris, former Attorney General of Illinois, will not do a fine job as a Governor of Illinois, nor am I doubting that he has absolutely no connection to the Blagojevich scandal. What bothers me however is that Blagojevich has some very serious allegations against him, and it is very unlikely that his choice to appoint Burris to the senate seat will have any bearing when this is all said and done. Blagojevich insisted that "this is about Roland Burris as a U.S. senator, not about the governor who made the appointment". Unfortunately Mr. Blagojevich, it is about you. See, if you are found guilty of the allegations against you, your appointment will have lost all value. The circus that went on in Illinois today went as far as to bring the issue of race to the table when it was said that people "should not hang and lynch the appointee as you try to castigate the appointer".

It is obvious that Blagojevich is in complete denial. Even if he is found innocent when this is all said and done, he will still not have the trust from the people who once elected him fit to be governor of their state. Blagojevich is in his own little world, not even able to take the word from his lawyer who recently said that there would be no point in the governor naming someone to the Senate because leaders there would reject his appointment. My advice to you Mr. Blagojevich, resign so that your name is not tarnished more than it already is, thus allowing for a more just way to select a senator to fill Obama's seat. In the mean time enjoy this video of today's press conference, in which Blagojevich gets some much deserved heat from reporters.

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