Monday, December 15, 2008

Absolutely Priceless!

Yesterday President George W. Bush made a surprise visit to Iraq. It will be his last visit to the war torn country before he steps out of office on January 20th, 2009. During a news conference in Baghdad, an Iraqi television reporter took off his shoes and hurled them at the president (watch video below). Hitting someone with a shoe is a traditional insult in the Arab world, signifying that the person being hit with the shoe is as scummy as the dirt on the bottom of it. The Iraqi television reporter also screamed to President Bush "this is a gift from the Iraqis; this is the farewell kiss, you dog". A dog is considered to be a very filthy animal in Arab culture. Bush made light of the situation, laughing while security tackled the man to the ground, and joked with reporters, saying that it was a "size 10 shoe". Bush continued with the news conference, saying that this Iraqi reporter does not reflect how the Iraqi people feel as a whole. Surprisingly enough however, thousands of Iraqis soon flooded the streets and marched in the man's defense. As much as President Bush defends his position on the invasion of Iraq, it is clear that the majority of the world does not want us there, including our own citizens here in America. It is about time that we packed up our bags and left. Enjoy the video.

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