With the end of the world right around the corner (the real one, not the May 21st one), the United States of America will be gearing up for another presidential election year.
On the blue side, the cryp side, we have President Barack Obama stepping up to the plate in efforts to maintain another four years of his socialist tendencies, as many may say, but not I.
The number one reason to vote for President Obama: he's American. That right there is a huge advantage, no matter who he is running against. As a result of the efforts of The Great Donald Trump, President Obama already has that leg up in this upcoming election. After all, nobody knows if any of the GOP candidates were born in this country, and we won't know for sure until we see all of their birth certificates. Long form! We'll have to examine it, see if it's real, etc. etc. etc.
There are really some shining contenders coming out of the bloods this year. The most sparkling would definitely have to be Newt. I don't think Speaker Gingrich has much of a chance, but it was really something to see a demonstrator pour a box of glitter on him during a very stressful week for the poor "Dancing Queen."
The GOP have many other serious candidates. On the not so serious side are the likes of Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Gary Johnson--to name a few.
Obviously some of these candidates, like Rick Santorum for example, hold some water; but for all intensive purposes, this is a joke. Herman Cain?!?! He is the favorite of the Tea Party movement (or at least was) and he has never even held political office. This is what this country has come to, and it's sad. The Republicans have some viable contenders, don't get me wrong--Jon Huntsman would definitely be a viable contender, and brings a lot to the plate. He is somebody President Obama should be scared of.
Ron Paul and Ralph Nader are a very interesting match up, and bring some serious change and solutions to this countries problems, but the day they win an election against President Obama is the day hell freezes over. Fortunately, I heard hell usually freezes over after an Arab Spring and Summer, so they may have a shot.
Tim Pawlenty, whose 'pre-campaign launch video' can be found below, may be the most viable candidate the GOP has to offer, at least in my opinion. If I had any money, I would go to the casino, put it all on black, and then once I doubled-up I would bet it all that Pawlenty will be the GOP nominee--and if I were Barack Obama and his campaign staff I would be shvitzing.
America is definitely not in a good spot right now. Nether is the state of the world in general. It's a scary time. The truth is, however, we, the USA, are better off today than we were when President Obama stepped into office in 2008. Many people forget the sh*t storm he inherited from the previous administration. However, that being said, the Obama Administration has to do some serious fiscal belt tightening, as well as some serious kissing up to Israel, if they wish to hold another four years in office.
2012 promises to be an exciting election year as we gear up for the end of the world. Such an exciting time in apocalyptic politics!
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