So far, so good. That is in reference to Judge Sotomayor's three days of Senate Hearings so far this week led by Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy. She has been asked some very tough questions from Senators on both sides of the isle, and has answered them all diligently in a cool and calm voice. Even Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who has been amongst those asking some of the toughest questions from the bunch, said to Sotomayor that "unless you have a complete meltdown, you will be confirmed. And I don't think you will."
Sotomayor has been questioned on everything from gun rights to abortion. She has also been questioned about some extremely controversial statements she has made in the past. Amongst these statements were one in which she said "I hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life." Sotomayor explained herself by saying that this statement was made during a speech especially for Latino women, and that it was meant to inspire them. She admitted that the statement "fell flat," and probably regrets ever saying it. In the hearings Senator Graham told her that "If I had said anything remotely like that, my career would have been over. And that's true of most people here." He is probably correct about that.
For such an important position in which you are appointed for life, it is necessary that such tough hearings be held, and that we learn absolutely everything there is to know about this woman. Tomorrow we will hear speeches from some of Sotomayor's biggest supporters and foes. However, even if her enemies make some great points, Republican Senator Graham is probably correct in saying that she will in all likelihood be accepted and become the first Latino women to be on the Supreme Court of America.
1 comment:
I don't hold the things she has said in the past against her, i think we all say stupid things sometimes that we later regret. At least she hasn't pulled any Elliot Spitzers, Rod Blagojevichs, or Red Stevens'...those are the kinds of names that shouldn't be in America's political system. Actions speak louder than words.
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