This coming March will be the six year anniversary of the Iraq war, and some are talking about continuing it until 2012. You will hear people on the far right like Sean Hannity talk about how much we have changed Iraq for the better and how we haven't seen a terrorist attack in eight years. Keep in mind that while these people on the right say that we have been successful in Iraq, this November there have been 16 U.S. troop murders, bringing the total deaths of American soldiers to 4,206. Thousands of more civilians have been murdered and thousands more wounded. We have also spent roughly 600 billion dollars on this war thus far, all of which could have been used to bail out our economy instead of borrowing 700 billion dollars from China. It is about time we bring our troops home, or at least send them over to Afghanistan so that we can go over the real people who attacked our nation on September, 11th 2001. It's been 6 years and there is still no bright light at the end of the tunnel.
Sons and daughters, fathers and mothers are pictured here being brought back from Iraq in caskets
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