This lame duck session of congress was not so lame after all. After the 2010 midterm elections, political experts predicted that the next several months on Capital Hill would be unproductive, and almost pointless. Most political conscious Americans believed that partisanship between the GOP and Democrats would lead to nothing more than arguments and fillibusters.
This was not the case, however. To many people's pleasant surprise, or perhaps just surprise, several pieces of legislation were passed during this "not-so-lame" session of congress. This certainly helped make President Obama's holidays a bit merrier, as many key proponents of his agenda were met in some of the bills that were passed.
Bush-era tax cuts have been extended to everyone for two more years.
Unemployment benefits were extended for 13 more months.
The payroll tax was reduced by 2 percentage points for one year.
A major food safety bill was passed designed to increase government inspections of food supplies.
Most funding levels for the federal government will be maintained for another 10 weeks, through March 4th.
9/11 responders health bill passed, providing free medical treatment and compensation to first responders of the 9/11 attack.
A new nuclear arms control treaty with Russia was passed, known as New START. The treaty will resume inspections of each country's nuclear arsenal and limit both countries to 1,550 warheads and 700 launchers. The treaty still needs the Russian parliament's approval.